Showing posts with label unique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unique. Show all posts

Sunday, May 11, 2014

use the pen tau pencil to write or drawing is a common thing. however, what if you approached someone and start drawing with the similar shape of the object?
you maybe be surprised and very admirable. well on this occasion will share pictures or unique gamabr of 3D drawing objects like real!
want to know how kelanjutanya let's check it now!!!

1. Anamorphic Illusion, Drawing 3D Staircase by.VamosART

Maybe your eye a cursory thought it is real? but after the set position then you fooled this is a picture or drawing ....

2.Anamorphic illusion, Drawing Levitating 3D Crystal source

3. Trick Art on Paper, Drawing 3D Hole, source

4.  How to draw 3D ART(Residents on the sketchbook) source youtube 

Monday, May 5, 2014

do you know what the first tweet on twitter?
yeah, twitter is a social networking and user-based secret can not chat to other users however, only share only tweets and more to your question is that most users of twitter?

Since the first appearance in 2006 until today Twitter has had more than 500 million active users, 340 million tweets per day and 1.6 billion searches per day, and entered the top 10 most visited web on the internet. and probably only need to know that can twitter from Google PR Rank 10?. From these figures are fantastic, interesting to know what the first tweet in the world. This is the first tweet.

The world's first tweet came from the account one of the founders of Twitter, Jack Dorsey (@ Jack) on March 21, 2006. Unfortunately the first tweet is a tweet that is generated by the machine itself is not typed directly. While the first tweet that actually produced by the human hand typing directly is the following tweet:

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Aurora is a phenomenon of the natural process that has some similarities with the beam of light that has a lot of color. This incident occurred occurs in the lining of our atmosphere is precisely located in the ionosphere layer. This occurs due to the interaction between the magnetic field of a planet owned by particles emitted by the sun (solar wind).

     On our planet, auroras occur in many areas around the North and South poles. For that occurred in the north is often referred to as the Aurora Borealis Borealis.Aurora is often seen with a reddish color on the northern horizon and occurs between October-March and March-April. For aurora that occurs in the area around the south pole is often called the Aurora Australis. Aurora Australis is almost the same properties with the Aurora Borealis. But sometimes appear at the top of the mountain in a tropical climate.

1. Aurora Borealis and Milky way (By Ren | exploringuniverse...

2.Silvia Vimini

3. by. mirrormatch  Via photos/langhaug

4. by.Peter Wallburg  via

5.northern lights by.Peter Wallburg 

6. Aurora and moonlight, Yukon, Canada by,Peter Wallburg 

7. northern lights by.Peter Wallburg 

8.Aurora Borealis. Lapland, Finland by.Peter Wallburg 

9.In Green by.Peter Wallburg

10. rainbow aurora by.Peter Wallburg 

11. Sund, Lofoten, Norway | Vicki Mar by.Peter Wallburg 

12. Northern Lights in Lapland, Finland. by.Peter Wallburg 

13. 500px / [ … aurora dragon ] by Raymo-Photography) by.Peter Wallburg 

14.Amazing sky Found in

15. Aurora Borealis. Iceland. by.Peter Wallburg 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

If you asked About fastest animal in the world? what would you answer? Cheetah?
If you answer like that, you are wrong answers.
Why? Not that one big cat species that live on the African plains had a super running speed of 70 mph (114 km / h)?
Assuming you are wrong. There are even faster, ie a bird whose name is The Peregrine Falcon (Falco Peregrinus) with a recorded speed: 242.3 mph (390 km / h)! Much faster than a cheetah.
Unfortunately, populations of animals that have spread throughout the continent except Antarctica threatened with extinction due to destruction of habitat in which they live by human activity.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Smoking behavior is behavior that can be learned. The learning process starts from an early age, while the process of becoming a smoker will occur in adolescence. Learning or socialization process can be done through the transmission of the previous generation of vertical transmission in other words from the family, more specifically permissive parental attitudes towards smoking behavior of children - their children (30%). Another socialization is through horizontal transmission or through the environment sepergaulan friends (peers). Because it contributes who most to the smoking behavior (60%).

Agents of socialization in the family and smoking behavior is peer environment. While the smoking behavior somewhat related to emotional aspects. Suggestions - suggestions of this study are:

1. Those parents who want their children not to smoke then advised the family members did not smoke or smoked Even if it should not be done in front of their children, because it is more or less a positive contribution children make smoking prevention.
2. Most great give koontribusi to smoke is peer, in this case if the parents do not smoke mengingkan anakanya need to guard against peer groups children - children who have the possibility of such behavior.

How rainbow is formed? 
Rainbow is formed due to the refraction of sunlight by water droplets in the atmosphere. When sunlight through water droplets, the light is bent in such a way so as to make the colors that exist in the light separately. Each color deflected at different angles, and red is the color most recently bent, while purple is the most first. This phenomenon who we see as a rainbow.

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