Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Function Fruits To Your Health


Apples, who known to many benefits, it also can brought good effect for brain health. Substances contained quercetin in apples could actually help protect brain cells from free radical damage. This brain damage if not prevented can cause the risk of disease Alzheime.


orange Rich in vitamin C, oranges are known for having a lot of benefits for the body. High Vitamin C would be a good protector for the body from various diseases. However, the content of flavonoids in jeruklah beneficial for the brain. As an antioxidant, flavonoids can fight the ill effects of free radicals that harm the brain.

Either in juice form or in the form of fresh fruit, orange benefits contained in the body can be enjoyed. One glass of orange juice or a fresh citrus fruit, is the right food to start the day with zest.


Pomegranate (or now popularly known as pome fruit) could also be an option. The fruit is more popular in the form of juice enjoyable because of the texture of the fruit who has many small seeds. According to health experts David Perlmutter, MD who released a book titled 'The Better Brain Book', the most sensitive part of the body against free radical attack is the brain.


Tomatoes have a high content of lycopene. Lycopene is one of the antioxidants that are beneficial in counteracting free radicals. Attack of free radicals can cause damage to the brain who cause Alzheimer's disease risk.

The team of researchers from the Institute of Health and Medical Research France said, one reason is because of a lack of brain aging lycopene and zeaxanthin in the body. These two types of antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables, one tomato. The study was conducted since 1991 and involving 1400 people in the age range 60-70 years. There is no reason to skip the tomato slices in a salad or fresh tomato juice instead?
Posted 29th May 2012 by Dragonfly

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