Samsung and Apple are often competing for positions one and two. Yet another story in India. In a country known for films such Bollywoodnya, Apple's smartphone was defeated by the Japanese giant, Sony.
According to the latest data from IDC, Sony is now able to beat Apple and occupied the second position of the most popular smartphone manufacturer in India. In the fourth quarter of 2013, Sony gained as much as 9.1 percent market share. The figure was higher than the gain portion of Apple's sales by 7 percent.
But overall, Samsung dominates the Indian smartphone market. South Korean companies gain market share as much as 43 percent. So, to beat Samsung, Sony still have to do a lot of things.
Sony beat Apple's success in this is because they are focusing on the sale of cheap with prices ranging between 10 thousand rupees (1.8 million dollars) to 20 thousand rupees (3.7 million dollars). And the most popular smartphone Sony in India is M Dual and Xperia Smartphones C.
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