Friday, April 25, 2014

What are the benefits of eggs for your health?

what are the benefits of eggs for your health? 

We used to eat eggs even every day? But, do you know what the benefits of eggs for your health?
Eggs contain many vitamins and minerals essential for the body's growth. Potansium rich boiled eggs, iron, vitamin E, zinc and protein Float.

1. Helps brain growth
The usual eggs we eat are very beneficial to the development and growth of the brain. And egg yolks are good sources of vitamin B complex and Choline and can improve the function of the human nervous.

2. Eye health
The content of vitamins and nutrients is essential eggs and can maintain the health of your eyes. Carotenoids are pigments that give color to the egg yolk can prevent cataracts in the eye. So the function of eggs for eye health is very important.

3. Keeping your weight
Eggs are the best source of protin and contain essential amino acids for the body. Eggs controlling and regulating the body to absorb calories

4. The heart health
Eggs are very important to maintain a healthy heart and needs to know that raw or undercooked eggs are rich in antioxidants which serves to maintain the stability of the heart.

5. Eggs may prevent blood clots and strokes

6. Eggs can accelerate the growth of hair and nails

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