Sunday, May 11, 2014

Amazing Drawing 3D Illusion Art you should see!

use the pen tau pencil to write or drawing is a common thing. however, what if you approached someone and start drawing with the similar shape of the object?
you maybe be surprised and very admirable. well on this occasion will share pictures or unique gamabr of 3D drawing objects like real!
want to know how kelanjutanya let's check it now!!!

1. Anamorphic Illusion, Drawing 3D Staircase by.VamosART

Maybe your eye a cursory thought it is real? but after the set position then you fooled this is a picture or drawing ....

2.Anamorphic illusion, Drawing Levitating 3D Crystal source

3. Trick Art on Paper, Drawing 3D Hole, source

4.  How to draw 3D ART(Residents on the sketchbook) source youtube 

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