Showing posts with label Baby And Children Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby And Children Tips. Show all posts

Monday, May 12, 2014

Some of the negatives that would be dangerous Behavior of Children aged 13-18 Years
13-18 years of age can be as periods of growth and puberty in adolescents, where children begin to exhibit certain behaviors, such as feelings and unruly like the opposite sex, and others. Adolescence is a period when a child is at the transition from childhood toward adulthood. This is very important to know the whereabouts of the youth as the future generation in the future. then all parties are expected to nurture and supervise young people to be involved in negative behavior. Some of the negatives that would be dangerous Behavior of Children 13-18 Years?

Knowledge of some of the negatives that would be dangerous Behavior of Children 13-18 Years, remember the teens still relies unstable and not yet fully mature both in mind and in decision-making. What would cause if the teens are left in the wild without rules and are not guided properly? Amka what will cause many problems for himself, family, and also the general public. Who are the people that must accompany and attention to the needs of adolescents?

1.  Parents, for example: gives education and good manners, meet their needs, keep an eye on her social.
2.  Teachers, for example: a good education for teens, extra curricular activities, counseling, and so forth
3.  Society, for example: beware the presence of youth groups, teens navigate in positive activities: youth, squeeze, and other social activities.
4.  The government, for example: opening training for teenagers, provide education about the dangers of negative adolescent behaviors, provide severe penalties for offenders
Here's a Must to Watch Negative Behavior of Children 13-18 Years:
5.  Theft. Many reasons are advanced by juvenile perpetrators of theft, for example, because their needs are not fulfilled, lifestyle consumerism, and so forth.
6.  Drug Abuse
The lack of knowledge and lack of parental supervision of teens fall into the cause of many drug abuse.

7.  Wild race
Provide decent transport facilities regardless of whether or not a teenager driving is wrong, because it can increase the number of traffic accidents. In addition, some teenagers who always want to look ahead to avail transport facilities for the race, and that certainly very dangerous to the safety of himself and others.

8.  Violence or fights at school!
Selfishness is high on adolescent self is not willing to make them if there are people who look down on themselves, friends, or group. As a result, violence, hooliganism and fighting between students is regarded as the right solution to solve it.

9.  Free sex

Many factors trigger the phenomenon of casual sex, such as television shows, easy access porn sites on the internet, and the establishment of places of vice freely.
Hopefully the information above can add insight and knowledge to you all.

Adolescence is a period when children are in the age range of a dozen years. During this period, the child can not be said to be an adult, but also can not be also referred to as children. So the conclusion adolescence is a period of transition from childhood toward adulthood. The period is generally in the age range 13 to 21 years. Then, when asked whether there is a difference between Adolescence Development of Children with Special Needs and normal teenager? Basically, there is no significant difference between normal teen with those who have special needs.

Actually, what that was meant to a child with special needs that? Children with special needs can not only be interpreted as the children are classified as handicapped or persons with disabilities, but also lantib and talented children. As the growth of normal, children with special needs must have the same growth phase with normal children. They also undergo physical changes, psychological, and sexual maturation function as a normal teenager.

Some physical changes happening as a sign that the children have entered their teens, for example: the addition of weight and height, body shape changes, and also the development of their sexual organs. In girls, puberty is characterized by menstruation, whereas in men characterized by wet dreams. Some other features are also the same, for example: change the voice, growth of hairs on certain body areas and enlargement of the breasts in women. Such conditions are not only experienced a normal teenager, but also the development of Adolescence Children with Special Needs.

s a parent, would be expected to accompany and direct the youth to be involved in negative behavior that would damage the adolescent self, family, and also the surrounding community. Precaution to face the turmoil of adolescence, among others:

1. Establish good communication with children
2. Provide an understanding of the concept of self
3. Recommend the children in the presence of space that is both private and public
4.  Recommend children with behavior and inappropriate conducted
5.  Teach the children about the concept of self-protection
Hopefully the information about Child Development Adolescence with Special Needs above can be useful for you all.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Every parent would want to be able to communicate well with children. While children need a place to vent, parents must want to always be the first to be addressed by their children. Parents have to be able to communicate well and can be a source of information for their children. Especially when the child was a teenager, where the future is a time of soul-searching themselves, so parents have to always be prepared to discuss with the child to be the best source of input regarding the problems being faced by the child.

Each child will go through several phases in his life, and the parents also certainly need to apply different treatment to each child's growth phase. In the current era of globalization, which has been greatly changed times, parents are required to continue to learn and understand child development. Because the future parents must discipline a child is not necessarily appropriate to be applied to the child in the present.

Undeniably that the current advances in technology affect human lifestyle in life. Deras globalization have changed his lifestyle and human communication.
Good communication strategies between parents and children in the age 5-12 years is to avoid verbal and physical violence. Parents should be able to talk with subtle and not use the word - or shout rude words. As well as no physical violence on the child, such as hitting, pinching and the like ..

Family environment is the first example to be seen and followed during the growth of the child. Parents who will be an early example of the formation of character. Good communication strategies between parents and children in the age 5-12 years is necessary for understanding the parents can understand the development of the modern age the child where the flow of information and culture are very different from the days when small first parents. Role of parents is very important in the development of children and to keep him away from it - negative things in their lives. Parents are required to comprehend the nature and character of the child begins to develop in the formation of their personality and character. It would be better if parents can follow the way
communication preferred by children.

Do not push children follow their parents, use a style of speech that can be accepted and understood by children. That way, the child will feel close to their parents and in the end will be happy to follow the advice and expectations of parents.
As parents we have to continue to learn and understand the development komunikas good way with children. Expand training - parenting training to develop a good insight to communicate with anak.Dengan so parents will continue to have the right strategy in communicating with children is certainly very useful for the future of the child's own

world production and is currently competing communication how to provide the best service to customers and this time about coloring. children love and hobby with coloring you possible as well during childhood?
Yes, now with the development of android and technology possible some children prefer coloring in tab or iphone?
however, we also must not forget the old generation about coloring book pictures ...
This time its what-will share some very interesting coloring books for the children's attention let's see more!

source : coloringbookcorruptions  

1.Guest Post: Moto Mickey

2.Three Little Pigs

3.Yogi’s Mistake

4.Guest Post: Bad Trip

5.Guest Post: Spongebob Nopants

Saturday, May 3, 2014

In the era of the all sophisticated and modern, unfortunately not accompanied by increasing public awareness of the surrounding environment, especially the teenage generation which is the successor of the nation. Yes, maybe all be changed in a digital format, such as digital books, digital pets, landscapes digitally. However, if we are wisdom to let the next generation continues to dissolve in the digital world and away from the real nature? You definitely do not want that to happen right? to anticipate, since early maybe you should've Growing Concern Child in the Neighborhood Will Adolescence.
Cultivating Caring Children in the Neighborhood Will Adolescence is done to avoid the negative effects of the influence of the digital world and foster a love of the environment. How that can be done is to introduce the next-generation.

Young on the environment, including:
1. Providing pet this way is powerful enough to make the kids loved living beings and teaches them to be more responsible to provide food, drink, care for, and protect their pets. care for the pet, of course, can also raise concern for others.

2. Teaching the little things in children or adolescents.
Teach the children about small things that if ignored can cause great impact, such as taking out the trash, water usage, electricity consumption, and so forth.

3. Inviting Junior holiday in the wild.
Vacation does not have to go to the mall or amusement park, but can be done freely in nature. Vacation with the concept of returning to nature into a good alternative to introduce children to nature and closer.

4. Teaches how Gardening
Gardening not only be done on large tracts of land, due to the narrow land can be used for gardening area. Plants around the house not only refresh the eyes, but also can be picked outcome, eg fruits, vegetables, and other crops. Better to let the land remain natural with plants and plant a flower or fruit trees. In addition to refreshing eye for its beauty, you can also reap the rewards when planting fruit trees on the land. By taking children to gardening, they will also appreciate the automatic, caring, and loving plants with a vengeance

5. Teaching children to recycle junk
Recycle used goods as a form of love the environment. How this is done to reduce non organic waste that is generally difficult to unravel. Some used items that can be recycled include: beverage bottles, sardine cans, paper, cloth, plastic bags, and so forth.

Cultivating Caring Children in the Neighborhood Will Adolescence can be started from a real concern from parents and the surrounding community. Hopefully the above information can be useful for you all.

Friday, May 2, 2014

How to Respond to Teen Curiosity

Adolescence is a developmental period that a lot of them want to know. Great of curiosity that sometimes makes a lot of confused parents looking for answers to questions from the children. How do we answer the curiosity of the adolescent is crucial to the future of their behavior. Great curiosity makes teenagers often fall into a variety of things that are less good. There are plunged into pornography case because this is a time period in which a teenager suffered sexual organ development.

The greatest fear of the parents is the child's adolescent experience any step when looking for the curiosity. One is in terms of pornography. Especially this time development of information technology is growing rapidly, making it easier for someone to access a variety of things including various pornography case. Therefore, the approach of the parents is also very necessary to prevent such things happening in adolescents. As parents we should be able to be a friend and a teacher who can provide a variety of fill needed by the child. If we as parents can be a friend and a teacher for the children it stands to reason that we can answer the curiosity of the adolescent.

Demands on parents who became a friend of the child requires the parents to be flexible. Rigid impression that usually appears in older people sometimes make even reluctant to make the children's parents as a child looking for a friend to another friend as a place of their complaints. In addition, parents are also required to become a teacher for teenagers. The number of questions asked and the great curiosity of adolescents requires parents to know many things. Therefore, parents must also diligently read various things. Thus parents will become more and more know and wise in dealing with a variety of things. So actually answer the curiosity of the adolescent is easy if parents want a little sacrifice.

be a parent is not easy. especially when related with the education of children because it is in fact, be a good parent learn  through formal education. Most parents relying hereditary parenting could have been incompatible with the demands of development of the era and changing now. One of the parenting issues that could happen is the changing patterns of behavior and attitudes of children, especially children at age 5-12 years. How should the role of orangtuamenghadapi change attitudes in children aged 5-12 years?

tricks and tips
Here are some tips and actions as well as the role of parents in the face of changing attitudes of children aged 5-12 years should be done as compiled from various sources, thats are:

• Positive: Give advance enthusiasm and motivation when the child's behavior changes towards a positive direction, as more independent and responsible in solving the problems faced. Encouragement and motivation could be done with better appreciate and respect the decision of the child and involve children in decisions that relate directly to the child.

• Negative: According to one practitioner education and child behavior consultant, said that changes in children's negative behaviors are performed, can be influenced by the behavior of the parents or the child's everyday environmental conditions. Still according to the same source, it is said that about 70% of children will depend on the behavior of parents and 30% depending on the environment. If a parent fails to take the role of the 70%, then that role will be replaced by the child's everyday environment. Changing behavior and habits. parents towards the positive in everyday life should be done if the child is a parent rarely mentoring children.

• Reward and Punishment: The application of reward and punishment parents can do with occasional introspection why the child to act as a parent is considered a negative action. Is the child's negative actions that do come from a parent or impersonation habits there are other reasons such as environmental habits mimic his friends. 
So a few tips and tips actions and the role of parents in the face of changing attitudes of children aged 5-12 years that can be taken into consideration. One important thing that should be kept in mind is to avoid punishment or physical punishment, because violence is not the best solution in punishing mistakes children. Good luck and hopefully useful.

what music benefit for the child's intelligence?

Musical intelligence among children age 5-12 years are very influential on the development on their soul. In the growth period required a lot of positive feedback, so that children can grow and develop and perfect balance between his IQ and EQ.

There have been many studies that prove that music greatly influenced the development of a person's IQ and EQ. Emotional intelligence of a child who used to listen to music as a child will develop better than children who rarely listen to music. Children who are accustomed to listening to music also proven has a better level of discipline.

Though so, not denying that there are still many people who think that intelligence of a child is determined by the value of report cards. Fact, that many types of intelligence. Much had happened in front of the eyes of that child who always get good grades in school may not necessarily be successful in life. To that end, develop interests and talents suitable for children early is indispensable for the future of children

At the age of 5-12 years is a productive age to learn. To start learning music, suggest starting piano, violin or guitar. Earlier children should start learning the music of classical music, classical music because it is the basis of other music. Once proficient in classical music, then the child can move on to other types of music such as pop, jazz or any other musical instrument .

What Benefits of Music for Children? 
Music Benefit for the growth of one of his children are able to influence the intellectual development, socialization and children's emotions. From the results of a recent study concluded that music can have a positive influence on the development and growth of children is a kind of rhythmic music is quiet and gentle.

 the State - the developed world, music lessons is included in the compulsory curriculum, because they've proven that early music education can improve children's intelligence.
There are two elements of music that can affect children's intelligence, namely:
1. Musical containing short tone.
2. Musical which has high potential for low tone and dynamics.
Highly suggest for children - children who have advanced to play music in the form of a concert in order to actualize. In addition to the evaluation event, boldly appeared on stage in concert, can also make children more confident.
Of course the support of the family was desperately needed in developing the musical intelligence of the children aged 5-12 years. Without family support, can not be honed jaditalentanya and finally disappeared. Too bad is not it?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

For a mother, a baby cradle is a very useful tool. Thecradle can help the mother to calm a fussy baby or babies who always want to be picked up or as a place to put the baby when the mother had to implement the duties Home. But you need to be careful in selecting a safe baby cradle you use. Selection of the wrong cradle may cause discomfort in your baby may even cause disease. Choosing safe baby cradle is essential to facilitate your work at the same time do not forget the safety and comfort of the baby.

1. Choosing a baby cradle flat or mattresses. Babies are particularly vulnerable to changes in bone structure. This is because the baby's bones are young and easily formed into a curve. Choose crib is bad for babies

2. Choosing a baby cradle that fits with the size of of your baby. The selection of the size of the cradle is useful to keep the baby not bounced when swung. Choose the size that fits the infant cradle so baby will be static in position

3. Choose crib is closed
choose a crib that mosquitoes and the weather closed in order not to disturb baby

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