Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Saturday, August 3, 2019

8 amazing health benefits of drinking milk for you

Milk is a common thing and everyone knows and milk is the beginning of your life why? Because milk is the first drink when you were born?
Do you do not like milk for fear of fat?
The research and doctors highly recommend it for drink milk want to know why? Let's look at some of the benefits of drinking milk!

1. Drinking milk can preventing osteoporosis
Milk is rich in calcium content helps you to preventing osteoporosis.

2. Drink your milk preventing tooth decay
Milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D are essential for growth and teeth strong and healthy.

3.Milk does not make you fat?
Not all milk make you fat. Search the milk that does not make the body fat look about the nutritional label there

4. Preventing colon cancer
Calcium in milk has been shown to slow the progression of adenomas or some kind of tumor that can override the colon so that it can preventing colon cancer.

5. Accelerating growth
The nutritional content of milk is beneficial to accelerate the growth of bones, teeth and body so that the milk is very good for the interests and growth of your teen you what else you really need and want the ideal a height.

6. Keep digestive health
Nutris in milk is very good for digestion and for those of you who often eat late you can begin by drinking a glass of milk.

7. You have trouble sleeping? Try to prime a glass of warm milk.
If your insomnia then you can try to drink a glass of warm milk
Milk can calm your nervous system and muscles then you can drowsy and fell asleep.

8. A glass of milk can replace fluid loss
Drink a glass of milk can restore your body fluids such as milk regular water to restore body fluids.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

9 Natural Mask to get rid of acne, blackheads 

Skin health is your most valuable especially for women so, make sure you always take care and maintain healthy skin, especially your face. Maintaining the health of the face is not always the very expensive to pay you can take advantage of some natural plants or fruit to make your face healthy and fresh!
Making masks itself naturally by using fruits or herbs that are very good and may not pay or free? There are several natural mask that you can try at home.

1. Mask of honey
Of course everyone knows what it honey? And you also know about the benefits generated by the honey? Apply honey to your face and wait 15 minutes After washing the face with clean water.

2. Mask bananas
Take some ripe bananas and then minced or pureed bananas up like a mask then mix or pour a little honey and apply to face wait 15 minutes then wash your face with clean water

3. Mask jicama
Jicama addition to make the face white and fresh jicama and useful also to override the override premature aging or dead skin cells. How abil peeled and grated jicama until smooth and then apply to face wait 15 minutes then wash your face with clean water.

4. lemon Mask
First lemon wash to clean and cut and apply to your face wait 15 minutes then wash your face clean.

5. Cucumber Mask
Take cucumber and puree until mushy then apply to face after that wash your face with clean water.

6. Mask tomatoes
Tomato Mask is great for oily face. Take tomatoes apply to face and wait 15 minutes then wash your face with clean water.

7. Mask apple
Take an apple and then peel it skin and blend until smooth. Apply to your face and wait 15 minutes after that washing your face.

8.Masker grape
apply two-piece grape to your face and wait 15-20 minutes and then wash your face with water.

9. Mask watermelon
Watermelon Mask is great for those of you who have black spots on the face.
Take a piece of watermelon and apply to face wait 15 minutes after that washing your face.

Note: you can adjust the time to your needs eg you want to wait until 15-20 was not a problem. Essentially if you want to wash your face wait until completely dry.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

What are the benefits of orange fruit or Lemon for health
what are the benefits of orange and lemon fruit for health and beauty

If you often experience thrush or your lips that is pain caused by lack of vitamin C
orange or lemon fruit has a lot of vitamin C which serves as protectionism for the body. The content is very good for health orange therefore consume citrus Recommended by doctors to avoid some diseases that you might not want.
There are some of health benefits besides orange for vitamin C.

1. orange or lemon fruit is very good for preventing cancer. Consuming citrus fruits can avoid you from skin cancer, breast cancer, maintaining healthy lungs and good for the colon. All because orange contain D-limonene which is a compound that is very good for preventing various cancers.

2. Lowering cholesterol
For those of you who have problems with high cholesterol orange is the main solution is easy and natural. Consuming orange is the first step a simple and natural for your health because orange contain lots of fiber and water. Oranges also contain pectin Hesperidin and both these contents are very good for lowering cholesterol for your body.

3. Lowering high blood pressure
For those of you who have high blood levels of orange is very good for your health because it contains Hesperidin and orange that serves Magnesium lowers your blood pressure.
And orange also contain flavonoids that function to control blood pressure

4. Protects skin
Citrus fruits contain beta-carotene which serves as a powerful antioxidant to protect cells from damage. Additionally substances such compounds may protect skin from signs of aging

5. Keeping As its heart health has been described in a number one function is to keep the heart healthy orange because orange contain potassium which serves as a safeguard heartbeat.

6. Oranges are very good for health because orange has vitamin C which serves free-radical scavengers.

7. Eye health
Components of carotenoids in orange fruit that is converted into vitamin A as carrots. If you consume a lot of it will be a good for your eye health

foods that make your skin is not pretty 
Having healthy skin is white and the dream of every person. However, what would happen if your skin is damaged?
Of course it's not good. There are some foods you should avoid to maintain the health of your skin. And for a woman is the crown of the most expensive skin after the hair is not it?

1. Caffeine
Caffeine can increase cholesterol or (Horom sters) which accelerates the aging process and damage to your skin. Besides caffeine makes your body dehydrated so the skin looks dry. To always maintain the health of your skin you need to eat foods that contain lots of water such as watermelon, melon etc..

2. Shellfish sea
Sea shells are rich in iodine. Consuming food containing iodine adversely affect the health of your skin. However, if you do not consume too much of it is not a problem that worry is too much to consume.
Especially if many consume can cause acne.

3. Fried food
If you currently like to try after the fried food you eat less fried. Because bad influence on health of your skin which can clog the pores of the skin, causing acne and fried foods rich in fats that are not good for the health of your skin.

4. Salts
Consume too much salt is not good for skin health, especially in the eyes and consume lots of salt can cause fine lines on the skin

5. Sugar
Do not be too happy with sweets or sugar less sweets in your drink because when the blood up it will cause adverse effects to the health of the skin that looks dull or old skin.

6. Red meat
Red meat is considered one of the dangerous foods for healthy skin. Although red meat is very good for health but to note is try not to consume a lot of it.

7. Alcohol
Alcohol is not good for health so try not to drink a lot of alcohol that is not good.'

What are the health benefits of papaya fruit?
Benefits of papaya fruit for health and beauty

Sometimes we are less concerned about the health benefits of the fruit. On this occasion we will share articles about the benefits of papaya fruit for kesehtan.
Carica papaya or papaya tree latin name comes from Mexico and is usually planted in yard or garden. a lot of the nutritional content of the fruit papaya. Before we know the benefits of papaya let us know in advance about the content of vitamins and nutrients from papaya fruit.

Vitamin A (1,750 IU)
Vitamin B (003 mg)
Niacin (0.3 mg)
Riboflavin (0:04 mg)
vitamin C
Calcium (20 mg)
Fat (0.1 g)
Protein (0.6 g)
Calcium (470 mg)

Wow, a lot of benefits and content that exist on papaya okay, now we will find out about the health benefits of papaya for you.

1. Papaya can cope with indigestion
Papaya fruit contains the enzyme papain and fiber and it can overcome the stomach and digestive disorders.

2. Papaya can prevent influenza
Papaya contains vitamin C function is to improve the system and prevent the body imunitasi disease such as coughs, colds and cancer

3. Papaya maintain kidney health
Papaya seeds contain essential nutrients for health. Papaya seeds contain a lot of flavonoids and phenotic is an active substances that important role in maintaining the health of kidney.

4. Sharpen eyesight
Papaya serves to sharpen eyesight and a note for those of you who have msalah eye health you should try to consume papaya or carrot on a regular basis.

5. Prevent premature aging
The antioxidant content of papaya can counteract free radical that serves as a defense for the body and skin.

6. Healthy Skin
The content of vitamin A, C and E in the papaya is very good for your skin health. In addition to moisturizing the skin papaya can also restore a Dull skin becomes bright again.

  Actually, there are many more benefits for health and beauty papaya may be obvious to you may consult a doctor or to the nearest kelinik.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

functions water for health and  of the human body?
Water has an important role in human life. Water is the lifeblood of nature, and humans the water contains a lot of oxygen that serves as a source of respiratory manusin and creatures.

Functions of water in the body and health
1. The water to regulate body temperature
water is fresh and can regulate body temperature. When you are thirsty then what do you feel?
Hot, tired? And then you drink a glass of water so what do you feel? Fresh yes, it shall mean the water can regulate body temperature.

2. Water functions as solvent for minerals, vitamins, amino acids, glucose that is more easily absorbed by the body.
3. Carry nutrients and oxygen throughout the body
4. Improve cell metabolism and issue substances that did not useful in the body.
5. Neutralize poison or toxin in the body
6. Shaping body fluids
The main component of the cell is water which is 70% -85%
7. Provide energy for the body.

Friday, April 25, 2014

how to care for new clothes or old clothes
clothes are items that are not common for our lives. However, for those of you who like to buy and replace new clothes and lots of spending money to buy luxury clothes but, this time will sahre about how to care for used clothing.

How to care for used clothes to make it look new
1. Way to wash clothing
A. Choose clothes before washing in accordance with degree of soiling the clothing
B. Do not soaking too long shirt or clothing because it will damage the clothing
C. Select the old clothes with new clothing. Wash each level of each clothing
D. Want to keep clothes look cleaner with manual washing by hand and then wash again with washing machine.

2. Drying system
Dry your clothing in the sun to dry and does not damage clothing
Do not dry the clothing in the machine without drying in the sun
Dry clothing in a clothing by flipping out like the following example:

3. Iron clothing using fragrance
Ironing clothing should be done when the clothing completely dry and not wet.

4. Tips storing clothes
Keep your clothing in a clean, dry and perfumed and covered. fold it neatly

image source from google and tips written by ADMIN

Natural ways to remove acne
Many people are not confident because there are acne on their face. Why can there is pimples or acne on your face? Acne occurs due to the increasing hormones or face contains a lot of oil. acne usually occurs at puberty.

How to naturally get rid of acne natural and safe for your skin?

• Honey
Honey can remove acne: howt to use honey to remove acne?
Take a little honey and apply to face as a mask until waiting 10-15 minutes then wash your face with clean water.

• Egg whites
Eggs can be eaten in addition you can use it as a traditional medicine and natural
How to use egg whites?
Take 1-2 eggs and then split between yolk and egg white then shake in a bowl and apply on the face as a mask and waiting 10-15 minutes then wash your face with clean water.

• Tomatoes
Take the tomatoes and then split into two and then apply on face as a mask waiting 15 minutes and wash with clean water.

• Always wash your face after exiting of the house
Washing your face is one of the easy tips to remove blackheads, and pimples

what are the benefits of eggs for your health? 

We used to eat eggs even every day? But, do you know what the benefits of eggs for your health?
Eggs contain many vitamins and minerals essential for the body's growth. Potansium rich boiled eggs, iron, vitamin E, zinc and protein Float.

1. Helps brain growth
The usual eggs we eat are very beneficial to the development and growth of the brain. And egg yolks are good sources of vitamin B complex and Choline and can improve the function of the human nervous.

2. Eye health
The content of vitamins and nutrients is essential eggs and can maintain the health of your eyes. Carotenoids are pigments that give color to the egg yolk can prevent cataracts in the eye. So the function of eggs for eye health is very important.

3. Keeping your weight
Eggs are the best source of protin and contain essential amino acids for the body. Eggs controlling and regulating the body to absorb calories

4. The heart health
Eggs are very important to maintain a healthy heart and needs to know that raw or undercooked eggs are rich in antioxidants which serves to maintain the stability of the heart.

5. Eggs may prevent blood clots and strokes

6. Eggs can accelerate the growth of hair and nails

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

There are so many benefits of sunlight for human life, one of which is for hanging clothes, as a substitute fuels in the vehicle and that certainly is efficacious for the health of our bodies. Well, whether you are or what are the health benefits of sunlight for our skin and body?

1.Ultraviolet rays contained in sunlight can kill the microbes that often interfere with our body's health

2.In terms of beauty, also can make the sun shine brighter skin

3.Sunlight can reduce insomnia and as we know from the exposure to sunlight increases the production of the hormone melatonin at night and this hormone can help us sleep well.

4. The sun contains vitamin D and good for your skin growth. and normalize skin cells die

5. Functioning sunlight to regenerate the body's immune system and increase white blood cells

6. if it sunbathe in the morning so we will quickly out of sweat and neutralize toxins in our bodies

7. The sun rays also help you lose weight by increasing the metabolic rate by stimulating the thyroid.

What Are Health Benefits Of Apple?

Apples are one fruit that is identical to the red color of the fruit skin. Almost everyone course familiar with the shape and taste of the apple itself. The fruit is widely available in the market, the supermarket. Because classified into fruit, the apple of course contains a variety of nutrients and vitamins are important role in improving the quality of health of a person's body. For that, start consuming this fruit regularly, to prevent the body from various diseases. So, what are the benefits of apple magic for the body's health?

1. The fiber in apples can help maintain a healthy digestive system, can avoid attack of diarrhea or constipation. Point fiber also to reduce body fat and cholesterol so well made ​​menu in the diet.

2.Strengthen Body Immune System. This is because, the content of antioxidants called quercetin in apples may improve the immune system, so that a person does not get sick when the weather conditions are unfavorable.

3.Apples contain antioxidants that can boost immunity of negative free radicals.

4.Preventing Dehydration. Almost 95% of the content of the apple is water. So apple consumption to avoid dehydration.

Benefits Hug Parents For Children Psychological Development

Basically parents are aware of the importance of the relationship and closeness between children with.
Many studies show that, basically most of the parents stated that spending time with children and for  the proximity can become more important than other things.

In essence that between parent and child need each other love and affection for one another, and that can not be denied existence. Many parents and children feel when love and affection are not obtained from one another, the harmony of the family seemed incomplete.

But on the other side, many relationships between parents and children is undermined, and this triggers disharmony in the family, even going to be something that is not good for the psychological development of children. Many things that cause this to happen, one of which is because of the demands of the economy and the job that caused the parents to lose time for to together with children.
Sometimes due to busy, parents should go early in the morning in a hurry because of his job and go home when the kids are asleep. If the condition is so, one way that parents can do to be closer relationship with the child despite having little time is to hug the child.

Hugs parents to children can raises bonding and strong love between children and parents. Gets a hug means getting support, and for those who embrace them means would lead to self-confidence. The presence of a hormone that appears when hugged endomorfin can be reduce nervous tension and blood pressure as well. Even studies in the university of Italy data shows, that children who often gets a hug from his parents would be more effectively recover from depression, and his confidence will arise to solve various problems.

Fact when early initiation hug, a moment a baby is born into the world, will transfer the kind of microorganisms that make the immune system will be stronger babies. And when this hug with affection forwarded to childhood can be make a private kid who is not easily stressed (Research Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health). Do not believe the myth that a child who often gets a hug would be maudlin, on the contrary, in psychology, a child who often gets caress, touch and hug affection from their parents that the child will grow into a loving, healthy growth, will feel comfortable and have a high level of confidence.

Baby grow up healthy and smart will make us smile happily as a sign thanksgiving for the blessings in the form of the gift of the child. However, as a trust or the trust of God, an infant or toddler to go through a long process that requires parental involvement in 'all-out', the totality.

Baby grow up healthy and intelligent?

Take Care and keep the small grow into a healthy and intelligent as they age actually began in the womb. So, parents struggle not only when a baby has come out of the womb of a mother, but long before that. sure, when the baby is still in a solid place, the womb of his mother.

How the Ways?

1.When a mother has tested positive for pregnancy, conceiving a baby. So since that's the mother had to fight tooth and nail to keep optimal nutritional intake. Eat only food that is good for the health, growth and development of the fetus. likewise a father is required to provide for a wife from sources lawful income.

2. Communication. One says this is one of the key words to produce a great addition to a child's health keywords. Thus, communicate since they are still a fetus or newborn baby in the womb. Invite them laughing, singing, chanting or other positive communication.

3. Keep the emotions of the mother. There have been many scientific studies that provide a correlation between intelligence and the emotional development of the child with the parents. It has also become a lesson for parents to be more patient and sincere in life.

4. Normal delivery. Once it came time to do the labor, then try to live a normal birth process. As much as possible and as much as possible. Except where it has been declared medically impossible. Never choose operation or cesarean delivery path simply because pursuing pretty dated. Why?, References to infant health states that a baby born normally have better immune resistance to allergies than a toddler who was born by Caesarean.

5.Exclusive breastfeeding. breastfeeding until the age of 2 years. It is also in line with the recommendations that have socialized health care by medical personnel. With the record, the first 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding should be lived with. What if a mother is a career woman?, There is no reason not to give exclusive breastfeeding, breast milk can be squeezed into sterile bottles and stored, so that the baby can still enjoy the beauty of the world by consuming breast milk.

Ever heard of peppermint leaf?, Or never eat it accidentally while on a drink at the cafe or in other places?. Yes, it turns the leaves which has always been used as a complement to have several health benefits to a person's body

benefits of Peppermint

Here are some of the benefits or efficacy of leaves, grown in tersebu European countries, among others:

1. Addressing complaints intestinal infections

2. Reducing stomach complaints as spastic colon

3. Helps digestive problems

4. Improving the lung health

5. Helps improve a person's memory.

Easy Ways To Overcome Insomnia with Sports

For you who have insomnia it's good exercise. This is according to research from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine who said that regular exercise for 4 months to fix insomnia disorders.

But according to Kelly G Baron, head of studies at Northwestern University Feinberg of Medicine reveals that not arbitrarily exercise directly benefits the insomnia disorder. This exercise should be done regularly over the long term in order to obtain maximum results.

Advice Kelly, patients who want to to eliminate the insomnia disorder during exercise should not be too focused on his desire to overcome insomnia, because if they fail to even be stressful. Focus that with exercise, we will get a better quality of sleep, and of course, healthier body so right.

Other researchers from the same university said that patients with this disturbance have insomnia more severe levels of brain activity and processes need to restore to normal levels so that the patient can sleep better.

The best Sports to tackle insomnia disturbance is quite easy turns, just a light walk every day for 30 minutes, swimming, jogging or lifting weights, and doing this routine without pause.

By the way, the sport should not be too long or too heavy, well, because it will make you be more alert for 6 hours and increased body temperature, which is insomnia tuh not heal.

In addition to any sports diet should be balanced, do not eat that much it can disrupt your sleep patterns, such as caffeine before bed, fried foods, soft drinks can increase stomach acid, ulcer edges and you have trouble sleeping.

We suggest you eat red rice, fish, green and orange vegetables, chicken and of course the quintessence of warm milk before going to bed and when eaten bananas before bedtime can increase serotonin which stimulates the body to become more relaxing and finally sleepy.

One Function And Benefitsof Chocolate for Your Health
Chocolate proven have a good effect for health. According to experts, the chocolate or cocoa powder contains high antioxidant known as flavonols, which can lower blood sugar levels for diabetics. Chocolate could prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus, by encouraging the hormone to spread the sugar from the blood into the cells for burning.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Honey contains glucose (dextrose) and fructose (levulose) in high quantities. what is the function of honey for your health?

1.stomach ache
Honey mixed with cinnamon powder can cure stomach ache. Also can clean the stomach, and cure boils down to the roots.

2.The Prevention of Heart Disease and Cancer. Both of these diseases are extremely deadly diseases and threaten the survival of any person. To avoid the risk of both diseases attack the body, consume honey as an antidote.

3.Stimulate tissue growth
Propolis, enzymes, and pollen, vitamins and minerals in honey can stimulate the growth of new tissue. When used in burns, honey will speed healing and reduce the amount of scarring.

4.Lowers blood glucose and cholesterol
Though sweeter than sugar, honey has a low glycemic index because it is absorbed into the bloodstream gradually. You who have diabetes must reduce high glycemic index foods because it will drive a spike in blood glucose.

Honey is the safest alternative sweetener than sugar or synthetic sugar. Some studies even suspect honey can lower blood glucose. Minerals and natural vitamins in honey also helps lower LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body.


Apples, who known to many benefits, it also can brought good effect for brain health. Substances contained quercetin in apples could actually help protect brain cells from free radical damage. This brain damage if not prevented can cause the risk of disease Alzheime.


orange Rich in vitamin C, oranges are known for having a lot of benefits for the body. High Vitamin C would be a good protector for the body from various diseases. However, the content of flavonoids in jeruklah beneficial for the brain. As an antioxidant, flavonoids can fight the ill effects of free radicals that harm the brain.

Either in juice form or in the form of fresh fruit, orange benefits contained in the body can be enjoyed. One glass of orange juice or a fresh citrus fruit, is the right food to start the day with zest.


Pomegranate (or now popularly known as pome fruit) could also be an option. The fruit is more popular in the form of juice enjoyable because of the texture of the fruit who has many small seeds. According to health experts David Perlmutter, MD who released a book titled 'The Better Brain Book', the most sensitive part of the body against free radical attack is the brain.


Tomatoes have a high content of lycopene. Lycopene is one of the antioxidants that are beneficial in counteracting free radicals. Attack of free radicals can cause damage to the brain who cause Alzheimer's disease risk.

The team of researchers from the Institute of Health and Medical Research France said, one reason is because of a lack of brain aging lycopene and zeaxanthin in the body. These two types of antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables, one tomato. The study was conducted since 1991 and involving 1400 people in the age range 60-70 years. There is no reason to skip the tomato slices in a salad or fresh tomato juice instead?
Posted 29th May 2012 by Dragonfly

Of course all parents want intelligent child and smart?. But, sometimes many parents are confused, what is way must be taken to increase the intelligence of their children?.

Schools and education is not the only place that could educate your child's brain. There are other factors that contribute to bio-level intelligence of the baby.
okay, here are 6 things you can do to maximize the level of intelligence of your children at school or in social life.

1Exclusive breastfeeding 
If you have a baby that is still in its infancy, meaning your chances of improving your child's intelligence is still wide open. One effective way to improve the intelligence of a baby is to give exclusive breastfeeding for 9 months.
A study in Denmark revealed that babies who were breastfed exclusively for 9 months experienced significant growth and is more intelligent than infants who are solely breastfed one month or less.

2.Enough nutritional
Teach the habit of eating healthy foods from an early age, such as acts of giving baby foods junk food and replace it with vegetables and fresh fruits. In its infancy, your child's brain requires essential nutrients, such as Omega-3 fatty acids which can be obtained from fish. Several studies have shown that children who are fond of eating fish such as tuna, salmon, and cod, have a sharp mind and a good record in the test results.

3.Introduce Music
University of Toronto says that introduce music to children may be the right steps to train the right brain abilities. They also state that children who play music have made ​​progress in IQ and academic skills when they teenager.

4.Introduce Sports 
The team of researchers from the University of Illinois to prove that there is a strong relationship between physical fitness with academic achievement of children. In general, physical activity during exercise is closely related to children's learning achievement. Increased blood flow and oxygen to the brain during exercise is considered as a factor affecting the level of intelligence of children while working on the exam questions.

5.Make a habit of Breakfast 
It is the little quirks that are still often ignored by parents apra. Get children breakfast can improve memory and concentration while studying. The children are not accustomed to breakfast will get tired and it was hard to concentrate on the lessons received. It is associated with nutrient intake did not he get up in the morning, so that by day the brain's ability to decrease.

6.Educate about Reading 
Reading is good for all ages, including children. Reading is a great way to increase the knowledge and cognitive development of children. According to Paul C. Burns, Betty D. Roe and Elinor P. Ross, an expert in children's education from the United States, there are eight aspects to work when the kids used to reading, that aspects of sensory, perceptual, sequential (work order system), experience, thinking, learning, association, and affection, in which all aspects are an important factor in improving the intelligence and capabilities of a child's brain.

Immunizations are given immunity to a disease by inserting something into the body so that the body is resistant to the disease being endemic or harmful to someone.

The purpose of immunization is to reduce the number of patients with a disease that is very dangerous to health can even cause death in the sufferer. Some diseases can be avoided by immunization is like hepatitis B, measles, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, mumps, chicken pox, tuberculosis, etc..

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