Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

If you asked About fastest animal in the world? what would you answer? Cheetah?
If you answer like that, you are wrong answers.
Why? Not that one big cat species that live on the African plains had a super running speed of 70 mph (114 km / h)?
Assuming you are wrong. There are even faster, ie a bird whose name is The Peregrine Falcon (Falco Peregrinus) with a recorded speed: 242.3 mph (390 km / h)! Much faster than a cheetah.
Unfortunately, populations of animals that have spread throughout the continent except Antarctica threatened with extinction due to destruction of habitat in which they live by human activity.

what is the distance of the sun from the earth in light years?

Almost every day we look at sun rise and set, except when the sky is clouded. How far does the Sun from the Earth? Maybe it makes you wonder huh. The most concise answer is 1 AU (Astronomical Unit). and, but it is useless yeah? The other answer is 8 "light minutes". However, you must still confused, 8 light minutes is equal to how many kilometers?.

The unit "light year" is usually used to determine the distance between celestial objects in space: 1 light year is approximately equal to 300,000 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 kilometers. This calculation is related to the speed of light propagating in space, which is approximately 300,000 kilometers per second. So, in 8 minutes, the light will propagate as far as 300,000 x 8 x 60 kilometers, which is equal to 144,000,000 kilometers. This calculation is not exactly true, but that's roughly the distance of the Sun from the Earth. so Far.

Later, precisely in the year 1653, an astronomer name Christiaan Huygens calculate the distance of the Sun from the Earth more accurately, using a triangulation method involving the Sun, Earth and Venus. Huygens calculation results corrected again by Giovanni Cassini in 1672, using the parallax method, which includes the calculation of the angle more thoroughly.

Distance of the Sun from the Earth, which is then expressed as 1 AU, the current set equal to 149597870.7 kilometers. With speed aircraft 10,000 kilometers per hour (~ 10 times faster than a regular plane), it took 20 months to travel so far!.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

How rainbow is formed? 
Rainbow is formed due to the refraction of sunlight by water droplets in the atmosphere. When sunlight through water droplets, the light is bent in such a way so as to make the colors that exist in the light separately. Each color deflected at different angles, and red is the color most recently bent, while purple is the most first. This phenomenon who we see as a rainbow.

Fly fishing, who is there any to believe ...? This may be something beyond our instincts. but many know on this earth, there are various unique. One of them Flying Fish, Flying Fish is not just jumping out of the water surface but also capable of flying up to a distance of 200 meters even together can fly in formation as far as 400 meters.

Flying fish have fins large enough, approximately 30-45 cm. Speed ​​"fly" it can reach 60 km / h and a distance of 30-50 m, and some have estimated could reach hundreds of meters, with the help of the waves. Record for the longest flight of a flying fish was 45 seconds.


Why Lightning Can Happen?
Lightning occurs due to the transfer of negative charge to the positive charge. According to the limitations of physics, lightning is a giant leap of sparks between the two masses with different electric field. The basic principle is roughly the same with the spark plug sparks.

Lightning is the result of electrostatic discharge in the cloud. Energy of the release it was so great that raises a series of light, heat, and sound are very strong that geluduk, thunder, or lightning. Geluduk, thunder, or lightning can destroy buildings, kill people, and destroy the tree. Such a giant as to when the lightning was racing, the body will be bright cloud made​​, as a result of the split air, sambarannya which have an average speed of 150,000 km / sec it will also cause noise blaring.

Why is the sky blue?
Earth's atmosphere contains a small gas molecules and particles (grains) dust. Sunlight enters the atmosphere met with gas molecules and dust particles before. The color of light has a wave length of light is more like red and yellow, the molecules can pass through and penetrate the gas and dust earlier. But the color blue has a shorter light waves reflected back to the top of the atmosphere. That is why the sky looks blue?. The same principle valid also to the water in a sea or lake that looks blue.

Of course all parents want intelligent child and smart?. But, sometimes many parents are confused, what is way must be taken to increase the intelligence of their children?.

Schools and education is not the only place that could educate your child's brain. There are other factors that contribute to bio-level intelligence of the baby.
okay, here are 6 things you can do to maximize the level of intelligence of your children at school or in social life.

1Exclusive breastfeeding 
If you have a baby that is still in its infancy, meaning your chances of improving your child's intelligence is still wide open. One effective way to improve the intelligence of a baby is to give exclusive breastfeeding for 9 months.
A study in Denmark revealed that babies who were breastfed exclusively for 9 months experienced significant growth and is more intelligent than infants who are solely breastfed one month or less.

2.Enough nutritional
Teach the habit of eating healthy foods from an early age, such as acts of giving baby foods junk food and replace it with vegetables and fresh fruits. In its infancy, your child's brain requires essential nutrients, such as Omega-3 fatty acids which can be obtained from fish. Several studies have shown that children who are fond of eating fish such as tuna, salmon, and cod, have a sharp mind and a good record in the test results.

3.Introduce Music
University of Toronto says that introduce music to children may be the right steps to train the right brain abilities. They also state that children who play music have made ​​progress in IQ and academic skills when they teenager.

4.Introduce Sports 
The team of researchers from the University of Illinois to prove that there is a strong relationship between physical fitness with academic achievement of children. In general, physical activity during exercise is closely related to children's learning achievement. Increased blood flow and oxygen to the brain during exercise is considered as a factor affecting the level of intelligence of children while working on the exam questions.

5.Make a habit of Breakfast 
It is the little quirks that are still often ignored by parents apra. Get children breakfast can improve memory and concentration while studying. The children are not accustomed to breakfast will get tired and it was hard to concentrate on the lessons received. It is associated with nutrient intake did not he get up in the morning, so that by day the brain's ability to decrease.

6.Educate about Reading 
Reading is good for all ages, including children. Reading is a great way to increase the knowledge and cognitive development of children. According to Paul C. Burns, Betty D. Roe and Elinor P. Ross, an expert in children's education from the United States, there are eight aspects to work when the kids used to reading, that aspects of sensory, perceptual, sequential (work order system), experience, thinking, learning, association, and affection, in which all aspects are an important factor in improving the intelligence and capabilities of a child's brain.

Generally breed butterflies with Generative, fertilization occurs if there is a male sex cell fusion with the female sex cells. The resulting individual possesses a blend of both parents. He is also the Beings that breed by producing eggs so called ovivar. And the process of breeding butterflies commonly called Metamorphosis.

Metamorphosis is the process of a caterpillar into a new animal (perfect phase) is a butterfly. In the process occurs quite long and long but, simple. First of all start from the egg in place by a butterfly on a leaf which aims eventually leaves could be the caterpillar food ingredients to reach adulthood after a time came into the pupa / cocoon and in a few days will be a new butterfly. The process cycle as follows:

The larvae are caterpillars that grow and specifically to eat and experience the molting several times, then the larva wraps itself in a cocoon and becomes a pupa, larval stages are very different from the adult stage. 

Pupa is the stage where the larval tissues undergo division and differentiation of cells that were not active in the larval stage into organs such as legs, wings, antennae, reproductive organs and other organs of the insekata. Finally imago (adult animals) out of the cocoon. 

Approximately one week, the eggs will hatch butterflies into caterpillars. Then, the caterpillar was about two weeks to develop into pupae (pupa). The pupae then develop into a butterfly after approximately 10 days.

Longer time or more details metamorfosi butterfly follows:
1. Eggs stick to the leaves of the host duration 2-7 days after it hatched into a caterpillar.
2. Caterpillar (larva) aged 14-20 days to molt 4-5 times, at the age consume the equivalent leaf area of ​​20x30cm Then wrap itself into a cocoon.
3. Pupae (chrysalis / pupa) fasted and rested for 14-16 days, it took 1-2 hours to mengeringan wings before noon flew for the first time.
4. The adult butterfly (imago) aged 14-24 days, of which about 7% living imago used for copulation.

In summary: 
When performing copulation (Marriage) enforce female butterfly wings while showing a pale color to the bottom of her male butterflies. Butterfly mating with how to back. Fertilization of eggs in the female body. The egg is then placed in a cabbage leaf. The eggs hatch into a butterfly caterpillars. Caterpillar turns into a chrysalis. Chrysalis turns into a butterfly.

Metamorphosis In Insecta 
Insecta metamorphosis in animals typically experienced by a group of winged insects (Pterygota). In its development to adulthood, pterygota undergo metamorphosis. Metamorphosis on Pterygota can be divided into
 two hemimetabola and holometabola.

Hemimetabola, namely insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis. The stages of this metamorphosis are egg, nymph, imago. For example, cockroaches, grasshoppers, grasshoppers
Holometabola, namely seangga who undergo complete metamorphosis. Stages are egg, larva, pupa and imago. For example, mosquitoes, fly and butterflies.

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